I wear a ring on my left hand that says esto también pasará. In English it means this too shall pass.

I found it the day we spread my father’s ashes over a valley just outside his hometown of Mexico City. It’s a familiar phrase he used to say to me whenever I was going through rough times. He’d comfort me by saying it first in Spanish, then in English. To assure me that this is just a moment in time and that better things are yet to come.

But since his passing, I’ve found this mantra to be useful in every moment of my life, including the happiest of times. It’s so easy to take the good times for granted. It reminds me of the impermanence of our lives and to treasure the moment.

It reminds me that people, relationships, situations, and things are constantly changing. Constantly evolving. And that situations that feel unpleasant or difficult may actually be the best thing for us.

So I no longer see these words of wisdom as a way to “wish” away the moment and wait for a difficult situation to pass but rather to remember that every situation, every encounter, good or bad, can inform and educate us. Every moment has value.

Since launching WANA International, we have encountered issues that we never could’ve foreseen. Issues that we could’ve only discovered by going through the process, which is the case for any new business venture. And I’ll admit that going through it has not been easy but by confronting and dealing with each issue, we’ve found and developed skills within ourselves that we never even knew we had. Skills that are necessary for the growth and success of our company.

So whether you’re feeling on top of the world or you’re at a low-point right now, seek to find the gift and remember — this too shall pass.

So how about you? What helps you recognize the gifts in your life, even when times are tough?